Media workshops on renewable energy at COP/Durban


The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is convening a series of media workshops during the UNFCCC’s COP17, in Durban, South Africa, to inform journalists on key issues facing the renewable energy sector.

The workshops – organised in partnership with the South African Ministry of Energy, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, and the South African Renewables Initiative – will feature briefings by experts from the private sector, government, international organisations and news media. Experts will provide the latest information on investment trends in renewables, innovative financing solutions, and impacts of renewables on jobs and economic growth. Resource materials will bring together key facts and figures, and highlight opportunities for news reporting. 

Consisting of six two-hour sessions, the following issues will be explored:

  • December 1, 10:00-12:00, Financing Renewables to Scale – Lessons from South Africa and Elsewhere
  • December 5, 10:00-12:00, Access to Energy – What Role for Renewable Energy?
  • December 5, 17:00-18:30: Energy Subsidies – How Much is Being Spent, and to What Effect? [*Note: will be held in the Durban ICC]
  • December 6, 10:00-12:00, Barriers to Renewable Energy – What are They and How Can They Be Overcome? 
  • December 7, 10:00-12:00: Unlocking the Door to a Green Economy – Renewable Energy, Job Creation and Economic Growth

A special closing session on renewable energy in Africa will be organized by the South African Department of Energy on December 8, 10:00-12:00.

Speakers include: Adnan Z Amin, Director-General, IRENA; George Mnguni, Deputy Director General, South African Department of Energy; Ogunlade Davidson, Minister of Energy, Sierra Leone; Philippe Benoit, Head of Energy Efficiency and Environment, International Energy Agency; Kirsty Hamilton, Fellow, Energy, Environment and Development Programme, Chatham House; Sakkie Leimecke, Lead Principal: Energy, Nedbank; and high-level government representatives. 

Where: Upper Deck of the Phantom Ship, uShaka Marine World  (*except for the workshop on Energy Subsidies, Monday December 5, 17.00-18.30.  This will be held in the Bellona Solutions Centre, Room 14, Durban ICC).
Journalists should register their interest by sending an email to: Please include name, affiliation, contact details, and workshop/s of interest