SolarCity Test - A quick guide on the Tuner
A quick guide on the Tuner (simulator)
The tuner allows the user to adjust some of the parameters of the analysis. This window comprises two sets of parameters: non-alterable and alterable.
The non-alterable parameters, such as the surface area, number of buildings, and annual consumption, are precalculated by the SolarCity simulator based on your chosen configuration and area of interest. But, the annual consumption is precalculated based on your interaction with the consumption subsection of the tuner.
The alterable parameters, such as the interest rate, loan, loan period, emission factors, average consumption, tariffs, and subsidies, are adjusted as required. The SolarCity simulator recalculates the outputs of the ‘Financing‘ and ’Environmental benefits‘ sections of the ‘Output’ panel.
For instance, by inputting values for the subsidies or income tax credits, the SolarCity simulator can assess the economic feasibility of rooftop solar PV systems. This assessment is based on a simplified model that assumes a solar programme aiming at full utilisation of all suitable rooftop spaces with incentivised self-consumption policy being in the city.
Moreover, output metrics are comprised of the direct accounting cost of the subsidy or income tax credits to the municipal or central authority, and the prospective value created because of these interventions. This first approximation does not estimate the indirect costs of implementing the schemes or a measure of the positive and negative externalities that may arise from their implementation.
All outputs from the SolarCity model are downloadable by clicking on the ‘Get report icon’ in the ‘Results’ section.