Collaborative Framework Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems
The next meeting of the Collaborative Framework on Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems is dedicated to energy system innovation.
IRENA’s Collaborative Framework Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems serves as a common forum to facilitate peer-to-peer collaboration and exchange of knowledge and experiences.
The innovative solutions, built upon the combination of individual innovations, should bring together the necessary elements that can have a transformative impact in the way societies consume energy today. Therefore, these innovative solutions go beyond the technology-based solutions, and include innovations in market design and regulation, system planning and operation, and business models. As a result, innovative solutions will emerge from leveraging synergies of advances across multiple components of the energy system in a process called systemic innovation, which is essential to achieve an effective structural transformation of the energy economy.
Best practices from systems operating with large shares of solar and wind today can inspire a viable path for others to follow for power sector transformation in the next decade. The effective interplay between different sources of flexibility can lead to a reliable and cost-effective system by 2050.
Priorities include making the needed technology available, defining the regulatory framework for sending the right signals to market players, accounting for innovations in the planning stage of the systems and enabling innovative business models emerge to capture the value added from smart electrification strategies.
One-size-fits-all solutions do not exist. The optimal strategy for each energy system and the implementation of various innovations depends on the country context and system-specific variables.
The meeting aims to share experiences on energy system innovation, with a specific focus on innovative technology and business solutions for cost-effective integration of high shares renewables in energy system. The meeting will further provide a deep-dive into different aspects of innovation trends, changing roles in future energy systems, enabling technologies, business models, market design, and system operation.
The meeting is organised within IRENA Innovation Week 2023.
To attend the event in person, please register here.
To attend the event virtually, please register below:
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