Turning Energy Targets Into Ambitious Action: Country Needs and Next Steps

Ambitious energy mitigation targets are critical to achieving the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. Through the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), 67 of the Partnership’s developing country members were supported in their NDC update efforts ahead of COP26, with over USD 55 million deployed from 46 implementing and financial partners. With support from members such as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Climate Analytics, 76% of countries in CAEP that submitted their NDCs increased mitigation ambition. Support to countries included cost benefit analysis of mitigation targets, improved data collection for national MRV systems, renewable energy potential assessments, capacity building and more, contributing to the increased ambition of countries’ NDC targets.

Not only have countries put in place more ambitious NDCs, but 100% of those countries supported through CAEP also improved the quality of and underlying processes used to update their NDCs. These enhancements help ensure that NDCs are not just more ambitious on paper, but that they are credible and implementable. This event showcased best practices on how NDCs have been enhanced in the energy sector, and highlighted the support and finance needed to now move these targets into action.


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