RRA Honduras Consultation Workshop
The Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Expert Consultation workshop, organised by IRENA in partnership with the National Energy Secretary of Honduras, brought together relevant stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables in Honduras. Participants included government officials, energy regulators and planners, energy experts, academia, multilateral financial institutions, and cooperation agencies.
The National Energy Secretariat in cooperation with IRENA recently initiated the RRA process with a view to supporting the country’s ambitious plans for transitioning the energy sector.
At the workshop, the government’s short- and mid-term energy transition strategy was reviewed to assess the direction of the country’s energy transition and provide substantive inputs for the analysis that will be conducted as part of the RRA process.
There are abundant renewable resources in Honduras, and the government is developing long-term policies to provide a sustainable, reliable, and low-carbon energy supply; and to increase renewables’ contribution to 80% by 2038.
The RRA process, a country-specific assessment tool developed by IRENA, constitutes the backbone of the Agency’s engagement at the national level. Through a country-led multi-stakeholder process that involves a holistic assessment of key conditions for renewable energy deployment, the RRA offers concrete recommendations that can help countries overcome barriers and promote renewable energy investments.