Fifth Meeting of the Collaborative Framework on Hydropower

Members at the 10th Assembly session requested IRENA to expand its work on hydropower and facilitate targeted collaboration tailored to reflect opportunities and challenges for the continued deployment of hydropower technologies. In response to this request, IRENA has established a Collaborative Framework on Hydropower which will serve as an effective vehicle for dialogue, co-operation and coordinated action to ensure the continued deployment of hydropower in benefit of the global renewable energy transformation, and feed into the ongoing work of the Agency.

Building on the momentum and the knowledge gathered from previous meetings, IRENA organised a Fifth Virtual Meeting of the Collaborative Framework. The meeting served as an opportunity to update the Membership on the Agency’s latest work and on the outcomes of the International Conference on Hydropower Financing for Developing Countries co-organised by the Government of Switzerland, and to appoint Co-Facilitators for the next biennium.

By invitation only.

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