Collaborative Framework on Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems
Growing number of countries are undergoing a transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy systems. Some countries have already achieved considerably high shares of renewables in their systems; but had to address a number of challenges in ensuring reliability and secure integration of renewables into the systems. Based on this experience, enhanced dialogue and cooperation among governments and other key stakeholders can contribute to effectively addressing challenges and finding practical solutions while also guiding countries that are on a similar path.
Accordingly, IRENA has responded to the request from Member States to create a common forum to facilitate peer-to-peer collaboration and exchange of knowledge and experiences on energy systems with high shares of renewables through the establishment of the Collaborative Framework on “Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems”.
As a part of the pilot phase of implementation of the framework, a second technical meeting of the Collaborative Framework was organised around the work stream on Energy System Operation, analysing innovative ways of operating the electricity system, allowing the integration of higher shares of variable renewable power generation. IRENA contributed to the discussion primarily relying on the analytical work that the Agency has undertaken on advancing and innovating the energy system operation to accommodate high share of renewable energy in the energy systems.
The meeting aimed to bring together IRENA Members and other key stakeholders to discuss solutions and strategies in the operation of energy systems with a high share of renewable energies. The discussion focused on sharing insights in addressing challenges to supply the insufficient energy infrastructure to achieve a rapid transition to clean energy aligned with the climate action and sustainable development objectives.
The meeting provided a platform for an exchange of experiences and best practices such as VPLs, DLRs, and smart charging of EVs in setting up strategies for deferring grid reinforcement through innovative approaches that facilitate the wider use of renewable energy resources in the countries. The session also touched upon the impacts of these strategies in the long-term development of energy systems, providing techno-economic solutions to address the immediate challenges of insufficient energy infrastructure.
Closed meeting (by invitation only)