Capacity Building for Renewable Energy Auctions in Belarus

The capacity building event was organised as a two-day online workshop on the 11th and 12th of October 2021, with the agenda detailed below. The workshop included a combination of informative presentations, case study analyses, interactive exercises and question and answer (Q&A) discussion sessions.
The first day focused on the design elements of auctions following IRENA’s framework. It started by introducing auctions, their strengths and weaknesses, and the latest trends in technology and price. The rest of the sessions for day 1 delve into the various design elements of auctions covering auction demand, qualification requirements and documentation, winner selection and contract award process and risk allocation and remuneration of sellers. The respective sessions addressed the trade-offs to consider while designing the auction, in terms of the impact on price and broader objectives. Detailed considerations regarding each element will be presented, illustrated by country examples and experiences.
The second day focused on the design of auctions to achieve objectives beyond price– including on-time project delivery, variable renewable energy (VRE) integration, and a just and inclusive energy transition. These topics were covered in detail in the following sessions.
- The first session focused on auction design to ensure a just and inclusive energy transition. In particular, the session analysed design elements intended to include small and new players, foster the development of local industries, create local jobs, contribute to subnational development and engage communities. IRENA’s just and inclusive framework aims to promote renewables deployment as a catalyst of economic, inclusive and sustainable growth.
- The second session presented key design elements to ensure project timely completion. The session covered the different stages of an auction during which underperformance can occur, starting with the announcement of the auction and extending through the processes of bidding, awarding and contracting, constructing and operating the assets specified in the power purchase agreement.
- The third session presented key design elements to support the integration of increasing shares of variable renewable energy (solar and wind) through auctions.
Each of the sessions presented experiences and lessons learnt from countries with similar contexts that have adopted auctions. Their design approaches were presented, along with an analysis of the outcomes and a summary of the insights that can be drawn, highlighting challenges and successes.
The detailed agenda is available here.
Closed event (by invitation only)