Burkina Faso RRA Validation Workshop

The RRA is country-led multi-stakeholder process with a holistic assessment of key conditions for renewable energy deployment, to come up with short- to medium-term actions and recommendations to overcome barriers. The RRA process relies on inclusive stakeholder consultations. As part of this process MMCE and IRENA are jointly organizing a 1-day Validation Workshop on 18th November 2021.

The objective of this workshop was to present and discuss the recommendations identified throughout the RRA process, and validate them with national and regional energy stakeholders, with the aim of capturing in  holistic manner the challenges and opportunities for wide deployment of renewable energy in Burkina Faso.

The workshop brought together relevant stakeholders for development of renewables in the country, including government officials, energy regulators and planners, energy experts, civil society, academia, financing institutions and the private sector. Outcomes of these discussions will provide substantive inputs for the finalization of the RRA report.

To learn more about the RRA Burkina Faso, please write to Regions@irena.org.

Closed event (by invitation only)