Webinar: IRENA FlexTool Training for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
IRENA developed the IRENA FlexTool during 2018 and launched the first version in November 2018. After 2 years of using the tool and implementing some enhancements, IRENA launched in April 2020 a new version of the tool, the FlexTool 2.0. This new version comes as well with a set of training materials that will help users to get started with the tool and will serve IRENA as a starting point to provide trainings on the tool.
On the side of the Virtual Regional Meeting on the Role of Power Systems and Markets for Achieving the Low-Carbon Transition organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), IRENA together with the IAEA has organized an IRENA FlexTool training for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, regions in which IRENA engagement has also been prominent in the last few years (see Renewable Energy Prospects for Central and South-Eastern Europe Energy Connectivity - CESEC). During this training, relevant IRENA stakeholders and participants from the IAEA regional meeting were able to learn about the methodology under the IRENA FlexTool and incorporate it to their toolbox for their future planning exercises.
The training for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, provided a basic training on the IRENA FlexTool in the context of the ongoing initiatives in this region. At the end of this training, participants were able to run customs simulations with the tool and model different flexibility options in their national power systems.
The training included participants from 22 different countries from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions.
Contact FlexTool@irena.org for more information.
Please find video recordings of the Training sessions below, along with the presentation slides.
Opening remarks |
Wei Huang, Director, Division of Energy Planning, Information and Knowledge Management, IAEA
Session 1: Projects and initiatives in Eastern Europe and Central Asia |
Manuel Welsch, Energy Planner and Economist, IAEA Petya Icheva, Programme Officer, South East Europe, IRENA Aleksandra Prodan, Associate Professional, Central Asia, IRENA |
Session 2: The importance of a power system flexibility assessment – REmap CESEC |
Luis Janeiro, Programme Officer, REmap, IRENA Sean Collins, Associate Programme Officer, REmap, IRENA
Raul Miranda, Associate Analyst, Energy Systems Modelling, IRENA
Session 4: Running a demo model: how to detect flexibility issues and how to solve them? |
Carlos Fernández, Associate Programme Officer, Power System Flexibility, IRENA
Session 5: Modelling flexibility options, from supply to demand-side flexibility |
Raul Miranda, Associate Analyst, Energy Systems Modelling, IRENA Carlos Fernández, Associate Programme Officer, Power System Flexibility, IRENA