Advancing the Energy Transition in Central Asia through Nationally Determined Contributions

IRENA in collaboration with UK COP26 Presidency, has organized a series of Regional Expert Meetings on Climate Change, Enhanced NDCs’ and Renewable Energy Deployment. One of the key recommendations from these meetings was to continue such dialogue between energy and environment stakeholders and enable further sharing of information and experiences between countries, organizations and experts to strengthen the collaboration and partnerships that could support the implementation of RE actions in NDCs.
Against this backdrop, IRENA in partnership with the UK COP26 Presidency hosted a Virtual Webinar on “Advancing the Energy Transition in Central Asia through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS)”. This Webinar acted as a platform for regional discussions on raising the ambition of the national climate pledges in the lead up to COP26, enhancing progress towards developing LTS, and exploring, in particular, the key role renewable energy financing will play in Central Asia countries’ energy transitions.
This virtual event had a regional focus on Central Asia, and it aimed at:
- encouraging more ambitious climate action by all governments in Central Asia, including the submission of updated long-term climate/energy strategies in support of the goals set out in the Paris Agreement;
- deepening the understanding on the opportunities offered by the energy sector in the decarbonization efforts;
- discussing the key role of mobilizing renewable energy financing at scale and de-risking investments in Central Asia to accelerate energy transition;
- sharing experience across the region on long-term climate/energy strategies, and from analysis and studies by regional and international institutions.