Renewables Readiness Assessment Jordan
The RRA, developed in close coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), reflects on country-led consultations that provide a venue for multi-stakeholder dialogue in identifying challenges in renewable energy deployment. IRENA’s analysis in Jordan includes a set of seven key thematic areas to be carried out beyond the RRA in line with the key actions highlighted in the National Energy Strategy 2020-2030. Within these areas, the Agency identified recommended actions for the short and medium term that could create more conducive conditions for renewable energy deployment, with the aim of supporting Jordan in unlocking its renewable energy potential.
The key areas for improvement identified during the RRA process for the government of Jordan to focus on the next phase of growth for renewables in the country includes the need to adopt aa broader policy mix focuses on deployment, integration and the enabling conditions at the sector level to maximize benefits (e.g., local industry development, skills). Further, to unlock the future growth of renewables, efforts for demand creation and electrification of end-uses will be crucial, as the grid infrastructure is not advancing at the same pace as renewable energy development.
The virtual launch of the Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Jordan, was organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on 22 February 2021 via Zoom.