Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) for Developing National Clean Energy Transition Plans in Latin America
The series of virtual seminars was a joint initiative of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (UN ECLAC) and GET.transform. It is part of the activities under IRENA’s Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Network, in the framework of UN ECLAC’s Technical Forum of Energy Planners (FOREPLEN).
The series provided a platform to exchange knowledge, collect best practices and experiences from government energy planners in Latin America in the development and use of long-term energy scenarios to guide national energy plans in the clean energy transition. The seminars explored the topic around the three main themes shown below.
The detailed concept note is available here. For Spanish, click here. The Synthesis report “Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Experience and Good Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean” here. For Spanish, click here.
For more information, contact us at LTES@irena.org.
Session 1: Brazil and Colombia
03 February 2021
- Thiago Barral, President, Brasil: Empresa de Pesquisa Energetica
- Christian Jaramillo, Director General, Colombia: Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Brasil | Colombia
English |
Spanish |
Session 2: Costa Rica and Panama
17 February 2021
- Arturo Molina, Technical Expert, Costa Rica: Secretaría Planificación Subsector Energía
- Guadalupe Gonzalez, Director of Electricity, Panama: Secretaría Nacional de Energía
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Costa Rica | Panama
English |
Spanish |
Session 3: Ecuador and Uruguay
03 March 2021
- Alejandra Reyes, Statistics and Balance Planning Area Manager, Uruguay: Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM)
- Ramiro Díaz Castro, Director of Electricity Analysis and Foresight, Ecuador: Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources (MERNNR)
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Uruguay | Ecuador
English |
Spanish |
Session 4: Chile and El Salvador
17 March 2021
- Carlos Barría Quezada, Head of the Energy Studies and Policies Division, Ministry of Energy, Chile
- Juan José García, Director of Energy Planning, National Energy Council, El Salvador
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Chile | El Salvador
English |
Spanish |
Session 5: Argentina and Dominican Republic
31 March 2021
- Alfonso Rodríguez, Vice Minister for Energy Efficiency and Savings, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Dominican Republic
- Edward Veras, Executive Director of the National Energy Commission, Dominican Republic
- Rocío Rodríguez, Energy and Climate Change Coordinator, Sub-secretariat for Energy Planning, Argentina
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Argentina | Dominican Republic
English |
Spanish |
Session 6: Mexico and Peru
14 April 2021
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Mexico | Peru
English |
Spanish |
Session 7: Guatemala and Honduras
02 June 2021
- Gabriel Velázquez, Head of Energy and Mining Planning Unit, Guatemala
- Jorge Cárcamo, Energy Specialist, Department of Energy, Honduras
Agenda: English | Spanish
Presentation slides can be accessed here: Guatemala| Honduras
English |
Spanish |