Energy Transformation in Small Island Developing States
The Ambitious SIDS Climate Action Summit Package: Accelerating Sustainable Energy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to achieve Energy Transition Targets by 2030, is being operationalized through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative (LHI) which is coordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The SIDS LHI brings together 36 SIDS and 28 partners which are developed countries, regional and international organizations, development agencies, private companies, research institutes and non-profit organizations.
Following on from the High-Level Dialogue on Accelerating Energy Transition in SIDS to stimulate post pandemic recovery that was co-organized by IRENA and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), high-level officials from SIDS and development partners highlighted the importance of multilaterism and durable partnerships to strengthen climate change mitigation, adaptation efforts and to contribute to the pandemic recovery. SIDS need access to appropriate financing that will facilitate energy transformation and support the implementation of the Paris Agreement commitments and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Increased ambitions of SIDS Nationally Determined Contributions and national renewable energy targets cannot be realized if we do not address challenges such as a varied, fragmented financing approach exacerbated by stringent financing procedures that do not consider local conditions and expectations.
This event brought together all relevant stakeholders to discuss how partnerships can support building back better in the tourism, fisheries, agriculture, water sectors and how the energy transformation can contribute to food security and enhanced livelihoods whilst strengthening ICT infrastructure and sustainability. The discussions also explored ways of fostering new partnerships as well as strengthening local capacity to build resilience, access to financing, engaging private sector investments, public funding and re-tailoring financing procedures to address the most urgent needs emerging from the current pandemic.
See the concept note and agenda.
For more information, please contact Arieta Rakai.