Webinar: IRENA FlexTool Training for Latin America

IRENA FlexTool training for Latin America, served to provide a basic training on the IRENA FlexTool in the context of ongoing projects in the region. At the end of this training participants were able to run customs simulations with the tool and model different flexibility options in their national power systems.

The training included participants from 13 different countries in Latin America and 5 regional and multilateral organizations from the region. 

Contact FlexTool@irena.org for more information.

Please find video recordings of the Forum sessions below, along with the presentation slides (in Spanish).

Video Recording



Sesión de apertura: Hoja de ruta de renovables y análisis de flexibilidad para Centroamérica 

José Torón, Regional Programme Officer, Country Engagement and Partnerships, IRENA
Ricardo Gorini, Senior Programme Officer, REmap, IRENA
Emanuele Taibi, Analyst, Power Sector Transformation Strategies, IRENA


Sesión 1: Introduciendo e instalando FlexTool 

Aakarshan Vaid, Associate Professional, Decentralised Renewable Energy Solutions, IRENA
Raul Miranda, Associate Analyst, Energy Systems Modelling, IRENA



Sesión 2: Corriendo un modelo de prueba: ¿Cómo detectar problemas de flexibilidad y cómo resolverlos? 

Carlos Fernández, Associate Professional, Power System Flexibility, IRENA



Sesión 3: Aplicando la herramienta FlexTool de IRENA en un caso de estudio real – el caso de Honduras 

Moisés Martínez, Especialista en Mercados Eléctricos, Secretaría de Energía de Honduras


Sesión 4: Modelando opciones de flexibilidad, desde la flexibilidad en la generación hasta en la demanda 

Emanuele Taibi, Analyst, Power Sector Transformation Strategies, IRENA
Carlos Fernández, Associate Professional, Power System Flexibility, IRENA