Webinar: IRENA FlexTool Training for ASEAN

IRENA developed the IRENA FlexTool during 2018 and launched the first version in November 2018. After 2 years of using the tool and implementing some enhancements, IRENA launched in April 2020 a new version of the tool, the FlexTool 2.0. This new version comes as well with a set of training materials that will help users to get started with the tool and will serve IRENA as a starting point to provide trainings on the tool.

One of the regions that showed interest in learning how to use the tool is ASEAN, where IRENA is currently developing a renewable energy roadmap (REmap) and a power system flexibility analysis, using FlexTool. Although IRENA will perform the majority the analysis, it is very important to add a capacity building component, where stakeholders can learn about the methodology of the tool and incorporate it to their toolbox for their future planning exercises.

The IRENA FlexTool training for ASEAN served to provide a basic training on the IRENA FlexTool in the context of the ongoing initiatives in this region. At the end of this training participants were able to run customs simulations with the tool and model different flexibility options in their national power systems.

The training included participants from 7 different countries from ASEAN and 3 regional and multilateral organizations from the region.

Contact FlexTool@irena.org for more information.

Please find video recordings of the Training sessions below, along with the presentation slides.

Video Recording



Opening session: IRENA projects and initiatives in ASEAN – a renewable energy roadmap and flexibility analysis 

Badariah Yosiyana, Regional Programme Officer, Country Engagement and Partnerships, IRENA
Ricardo Gorini, Senior Programme Officer, REmap, IRENA
Emanuele Taibi, Analyst, Power Sector Transformation Strategies, IRENA




Session 1: Introducing and installing FlexTool 

Raul Miranda, Associate Analyst, Energy Systems Modelling, IRENA



Session 2: Running a demo model: How to detect flexibility issues and how to solve them? 

Carlos Fernández, Associate Professional, Power System Flexibility, IRENA



Session 3: Applying IRENA FlexTool to a real case study – the case of Thailand

Munlika Sompranon, Director of Energy Cooperation, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy of Thailand
Emanuele Taibi, Analyst, Power Sector Transformation Strategies, IRENA
Carlos Fernández, Associate Professional, Power System Flexibility, IRENA


Session 4: Modelling flexibility options, from the supply to the demand side

Emanuele Taibi, Analyst, Power Sector Transformation Strategies, IRENA
Raul Miranda, Associate Analyst, Energy Systems Modelling, IRENA