Webinar: Dynamic regulation and digitalisation for a renewable-powered future
The joint webinar by IRENA and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) discussed the role and applications of digital technologies in the power systems to integrate very high shares of solar PV and wind resources. It showcased best practices for the use of Internet-of-Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain to accelerate the energy transition.
However, for the energy transition to happen, technological innovation is not enough. Innovations in regulation and market design are key, together with innovative business models, new system operation practices. A dynamic approach to regulation to enable the clean energy and digitalisation transitions of the energy system was discussed.
This webinar featured IRENA’s Innovation Landscape Report, which introduced the concept of systemic innovation and its importance for implementing at large scale innovative solutions for high shares of wind and solar integration. In addition, CEER’s Report on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System provides insights on the potential regulatory measures to unlock the benefits of digitalisation both from the perspective of the energy system and consumers.
- Introduction:
- Arina Anisie, IRENA
- Presentations [30 min]:
- Digitalisation for a Renewable-Powered Future, Francisco Boshell, IRENA
- Dynamic Regulation to Enable the Transition of the Energy System, Annegret Groebel, CEER
- Systemic Innovation for Solar PV and Wind Integration, Elena Ocenic, IRENA
- Panel discussion and Q&A [20 min]:
- Moderator: Arina Anisie, IRENA
Download the presentation slide deck and watch the webinar below.