GREEN TALK Climate Investment Platform
The Danish Embassy in Abu Dhabi in cooperation with State of Green and the International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA, hosted a joint webinar about global investments in renewable energy and climate projects. The webinar took place on Tuesday, 15 December 2020 from 12:00 to 13:00 (GST time zone).
The virtual event focused on the promotion of the Climate Investment Platform (CIP), to Danish stakeholders in order to stimulate future engagements and catalyze investments in renewable energy, and featured opening remarks from H.E. Ambassador Franz-Michael and the Director General of IRENA, Mr. Francesco La Camera.
IRENA’s Acting Director of the Project Facilitation & Support Division, Mr. Ahmed Badr, offered an overview of the work IRENA is doing to facilitate project development and mobilize climate related investment under CIP, providing participants with insights into the aims and active projects under the initiative, as well as how to engage as a partner within the platform.
The panel discussion was moderated by Executive Director to State of Green, Finn Mortensen and featured key stakeholders from the Danish private sector including Torben Möger from Pension Denmark, Torben Huss from Investment Fund for Developing Countries, and Ole Sørensen from Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.
The full programme and recording can be accessed on the following link: GREEN TALK: Climate Investment Platform - State of Green