Multi-stakeholder consultation workshop on the energy transition strategy
IRENA in collaboration with the Municipal Government of Zhangjiakou city of Hebei Province has developed a strategy for advancing the transition of Zhangjiakou’s energy system towards a clean and low-carbon energy future. This joint study will showcase various transition scenarios, good practices from other cities, and a suite of policy recommendations for the municipal decision makers to consider and use in shaping their energy systems for sustainable future.
The workshop discussed the study's results with local experts and other stakeholders, and received their feedback. The workshop included in-depth consultations with multiple stakeholders, with the aim to: validate assumptions, the energy data and narratives, and the overall view on Zhangjiakou’s development trajectories; discuss plausible scenarios, modelling results, and general recommendations; and co-generate innovative ideas, suggestions or solutions for addressing current and future challenges over the course of energy transition for the city.