International Forum on “Long-term Energy Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition”

This event will be the first international forum to gather all members and partners of the LTES campaign, along with a wider range of subject experts and energy scenario end-users to discuss the issues that are critical to today’s scenario practitioners. In bringing together both users and developers of scenarios, the forum will explore how scenarios can better support energy transitions.


The Forum aims to achieve three objectives:

  • To raise awareness of the importance of LTES for policy making in the context of clean energy transitions, building on the insights from LTES campaign work to date
  • To enable deep-dive discussions with subject experts on critical scenario issues identified by practitioners in the LTES campaign.
  • For LTES members and partners to take stock of the campaign’s progress so far, reflecting on the forum’s expert discussions, and discuss the key messages that need to be presented at ministerial level (with CEM Ministerial roundtable scheduled in May in Vancouver in mind).
At the Forum, IRENA’s new initiative “Energy Transition Scenario Network” will also be launched, as a vehicle to sustain discussion of these issues with a wider audience going forward.

Agenda overview

  • 10 April – during the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
    • 14:45-16:15: Side event during the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue – “Global prospects for the role of Long-term Energy Scenarios”
    • 17:00-18:30: LTES members and partners meeting (closed)
    • 19:00-21:00: Evening reception (open to all LTES Forum and BETD side event participants)
  • 11 April – LTES International Forum Day 1
    • 9:00-10:15: Session 1: Opening – LTES for clean energy transition
    • 10:30-12:45: Session 2: How can LTES be made more relevant to policy making under energy transition?
    • 14:00-17:30: Session 3: What should be addressed in LTES for clean energy transition?
  • 12 April – LTES International Forum Day 2
    • 9:30-12:30: Session 4: How much scenario planning capacity needs to reside with governments? Insourcing and outsourcing scenario planning capability
    • 13:45-16:15: Session 5: Launch of the Energy Transition Scenarios Network
    • 17:00-18:30: LTES members and partners meeting (closed)

More information:

Contact: Asami Miketa (, Pablo Carvajal (