RRA Tunisia Validation Workshop
Tunisia has embarked on an ambitious energy diversification strategy, based on promoting renewable energy development and energy efficiency. This strategy, announced in November 2016, defines electricity production targets of 12% in 2020 and 30% in 2030. As such, the Tunisian Solar Plan (TSP) is the operational tool for the strategy implementation, with an objective to set the total capacity of electricity generation by renewable energy at 1225 MW by 2020 and 3815 MW by 2030.
In this context, IRENA‘s Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA), undertaken in co-operation with L’Agence Nationale pour la Maitrise del’Energie (ANME), is designed to define a detailed list of critical and emerging issues associated with the energy sector and identifies key actions to accelerate renewable energy deployment. This study provides recommendations to strengthen the policy, regulatory and institutional framework. In addition, it identifies the financial and technical limitations in the different support mechanisms, including the self-production, authorization and concession schemes, along with the grid infrastructure constraints for both distributed and large-scale utility applications.