Parched Power: Water Challenges and Solutions for India's Power Sector

India’s demand for water will continue to grow, despite being an already water-stressed nation. Freshwater resources are already scarce in most parts of India. As India’s economy is projected to double by 2030, the country’s water demand is also expected to grow significantly across sectors.

The power sector in India is very dependent on water and has been suffering from droughts and water shortages. More than 80 percent of India’s electricity is generated from thermal (fossil fuel, biomass, nuclear, and concentrated solar) power plants that rely significantly on water for cooling. Another 10 percent of electricity is generated from hydroelectric plants, which depend on water completely. Thermal power plants have been forced to shut down due to inaccessibility of cooling water, losing tens of terawatt-hours of electricity generation in recent years.

This event featured think tanks as well as renewable energy development agencies, and described India’s power sector water risks assessment targeting governments and investors. In addition, the session highlighted how advancing cooling technology and shifting power mix towards more solar PV and wind could help the sector’s dependency on water while sustaining its growth in energy demand.

For more information, visit SIWI's World Water Week website.