5th REmap Annual Workshop, Pre-Council Day
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised its 5th Annual REmap Workshop with national energy experts. The workshop took place on the 27th November 2017, at IRENA headquarters in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, as part of the sessions of the Pre-Council day of the Fourteenth meeting of IRENA’s Council. The workshop was attended by more than 50 participants, representing more than 30 countries. The workshop focused on discussing the status of REmap and its future focus.
The specific workshop objectives were to: provide updates on the progress of deliverables and a platform for an exchange of experiences and lessons learned; present an overview of the proposed forthcoming REmap work in the context of the Work Programme 2018-2019; examine outcomes from the ongoing external assessment of REmap and discuss how to best shape and focus the programme in the medium- to long term.
The session started with a presentation from IRENA’s Innovation and Technology Centre (IITC) Director, Dolf Gielen, highlighting the key aspects of REmap, its evolution over past five years and its contributions to IRENA’s overall activities, including global, regional and country reports, besides sectoral reports on the linkages between renewable energy and district heating and cooling, energy efficiency and industrial processes. View the slides of this presentation
After the overview of REmap activities, Andreas Kraemer, Senior Fellow of IASS Potsdam and Founder of Ecologic Institute, conducting an ongoing evaluation of the REmap programme, presented the preliminary findings of the assessment. The REmap evaluation examines the REmap programme’s development over the last five years, its impact to date, areas for improvement, and proposals for future direction. View the slides of this presentation
After the presentations, the second part of the session featured a group discussion where countries expressed their views and questions regarding REmap activities and evaluation findings and provided feedback on the guiding questions about REmap which are further presented in the workshop proceedings.
The agenda and background note of the session were distributed to all participants prior to the workshop.