Bonn Lecture Series: Improving Energy Access with Renewable Energy Project Facilitation
Renewable energy generation capacity has risen substantially worldwide. Despite this rise, the deployment of renewable energy can at times be challenging if projects fail to meet certain standards needed to obtain the necessary financial support. Added to this, there is a (a) perception of high technology risk, (b) cumbersome administrative procedures, (c) insufficient transparency in the project cycle, as well as limited access to (d) institutional and (e) commercial financing instruments. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has developed the Project Navigator - an online platform providing comprehensive, easily accessible, and practical data, tools and guidance to assist in the development of bankable renewable energy projects. The platform introduces a project lifecycle process structured in several distinct phases designed to support the progressive development of renewable energy projects.
This lecture elaborated on key findings from recently published and upcoming IRENA publications on project facilitation. An overview of renewable energy project development was given, with a focus on modelling techniques and case studies.
Click here (PDF) to learn more about this event.