South East Europe Regional Consultation Meeting
Ministry of Energy of Romania
As part of IRENA’s engagement in South East Europe, a Regional Consultation meeting was held in Bucharest, Romania, 6-7 October 2016. The meeting gathered more than 40 representatives from 11 countries of the region, including governments (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia); regulators (Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania); Transmission System Operators (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia); International Organizations (Energy Charter, Energy Regulators Regional Association, Council of European Energy Regulators); Development Partners (EBRD, GIZ, KfW, French government); and Industry (Romanian Renewable Energy Association, ENEL Romania).
IRENA recently initiated a region-wide exercise to formulate a strategic regional approach. As an initial step, the Agency is conducting a regional gap analysis study to identify and analyse the major obstacles hindering more accelerated renewable energy deployment in the region and map out the current and planned programmes implemented by development partners to support uptake of renewables in South East Europe. The outcomes of this study will help IRENA, in close collaboration with the governments and key stakeholders, elaborate an Action Plan customized to the specific needs and priorities of the region, which will be built upon and complement the existing and planned work on the ground to maximize its added value in supporting renewable energy development in SEE.
This process is being synchronized with the Agency’s ongoing analytical study on the assessment of the technical potential for cost-effective renewable energy generation. The preliminary findings of this exercise have been already discussed at the joint IRENA/Energy Community workshop on cost-effective renewable energy in SEE
The aim of this Regional Consultation meeting was to discuss the main findings of the regional gap analysis study, receive feedback from participants on the needs and priorities of the region in further development of the renewable energy sector, and exchange views on IRENA’s potential role in supporting uptake of renewables in the region. The workshop also allowed for an improved understanding on the key aspects of renewable energy, its socio-economic benefits, target setting and support schemes with presentations on best practices from the region and across the globe.
The participants of the regional consultation meeting welcomed IRENA’s aim to scale up its presence in South East Europe and provided valuable feedback on the needs and priorities of the region in further deployment of the renewable energy sector. IRENA also validated the findings of the regional analysis study which will constitute a basis for elaboration of the regional engagement Action Plan.
View the Meeting Agenda
The Summary Report of the South East Europe Regional Consultation
Session I: Welcoming Session:
Name of the presentation | Name of presenter(s) |
Bruno Wilhelm, GIZ |
Session II: Opportunities and Challenges in Renewables Deployment in the Region
Name of the presentation | Name of presenter(s) |
Katarina Uherova Hasbani, IRENA Consultant |
Gjergji Simaku, Ministry of Energy and Industry |
Mujčinagić Alija, State Electricity Regulatory Commission |
Mariya Minova, Ministry of Energy |
Zdeslav Matić, Domagoj Validžić, Ministry of Economy |
Nezir Myrtaj, Ministry of Economic Development |
Antolie Boscaneanu, National Agency for Energy Regulation |
Raluca Florescu, Ministry of Energy |
Rastislav Kragić, Ministry of Mining and Energy |
Mojca Vendramin, Ministry of Infrastructure |
Marko Filipovski, Energy Regulatory Commission |
Session III: Mapping the RE Support in the Region
Name of the presentation | Name of presenter(s) |
Overview of the engagement of development partners in RE in SEE |
Katarina Uherova Hasbani, IRENA Consultant |
Sarah Keay-Bright, Energy Charter Secretariat |
Session IV: Identifying Priority Actions
Name of the presentation | Name of presenter(s) |
Session V: Renewable Energy Target Setting and Support Schemes (Auctions)
Name of the presentation | Name of presenter(s) |
Arslan Khalid, IRENA |
Key support elements of RES in Europe: moving towards market integration
Yvonne Finger, Council of European Energy Regulators |
Antolie Boscaneanu, National Agency for Energy Regulation |
Zdeslav Matić, Domagoj Validžić, Ministry of Economy |
Session VI: Socio-Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy
Name of the presentation | Name of presenter(s) |
Arslan Khalid, IRENA |
Elena Popescu,, Ministry of Energy |
Dr. Thomas Michel, GIZ |