Workshop on Financing Renewable Energy in Small Island States

Co-organised with Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, the USA’s Departments of Energy and State, the Pacific Community, the Asian Development Bank, and the Green Climate Fund, IRENA hosted a three-day workshop on renewable energy finance, in Nadi, Fiji.

Aimed at government officials, public finance institutions, international organisations, utilities, research centres, and other Lighthouse Initiative partners, the workshop heard updates on the projects identified and discussed in 2015; identified key challenges and barriers in each stage of project development and discussed ways to overcome and prevent them in the future; identified new project opportunities and ideas, and explored practical steps to develop them into bankable proposals; and conducted an in-depth discussion on renewable energy financing that goes beyond the traditional direct funding approach.

Presentations from the workshop can be downloaded below:




For more information about the workshop, please visit the pages of the Asian Institute of Technology and the Pacific Regional Data Repository for Sustainable Energy for All.