Biofuels: Emerging biofuel production technologies and outlook from REmap 2030
Please join us for a webinar discussing biofuels and the transport sector. This webinar discussed the overview of the potential of biofuels over the next decades and provided an outlook on important markets, emerging conversion processes for the production of biofuels, and insight into the use of biofuels in different transport modes.
- 15:00 – 15:10: Introduction REmap 2030 Transport Action Team and outlook to 2030 for biofuels Nicholas Wagner, IRENA IRENA Technology Outlook for Production and Deployment of Advanced Biofuels in the Next Three Decades Maria Ayuso, IRENA
- 15:10-15:45 (presentations: 10-12 minutes each) Market prospects for biofuels with a view on important regions Marc Londo, Senior Consultant, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) Production of second generation biofuels based on biomass gasification Gerald Weber, Researcher, Bioenergy2020+ Biofuel uses, what are the prospects for aviation and shipping? Jack Saddler, UBC Forest Products Biotechnology/Bioenergy group, Co-Task Leader, IEA Bioenergy Liquid Biofuels
- 15:45-16:00 Question and answers