IRENA Project Navigator Workshop

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has introduced the Project Navigator, a tool to make project-development processes clearer and more systematic.  A three-day workshop in Praia, Cabo Verde, brought together policy makers, funding institutions and project developers to discuss applications of the tool for renewable energy projects, particularly in small island developing states and West Africa. (See the workshop programme.)

IRENA’s workshop – held in cooperation with Cabo Verde’s Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy and the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) – tackled current conditions in the renewable energy sector, along with challenges, needs and potential improvements. It also addressed renewable energy funding concerns, with a view to matchmaking funds with project proposals.

The final day included extensive training on the Project Navigator and IRENA’s project development approach. 

Joarel Barros, an ECREEE project officer, addresses the Project Navigator workshop on 10 September. At the table are Roland Roesch, senior programme officer from the IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre; Antero Veiga, Minister for Environment, Housing and Territorial Planning of Cabo Verde; Bah F.M. Saho, a renewable energy expert at ECREEE; and Antonio Baptista, director-general of energy at the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy, Cabo Verde.

Information and presentations given during the workshop can be downloaded here:


Introduction to IRENA and Workshop Objectives
Roland Roesch, IRENA

Session 1: Renewable Energy Environment in Cabo Verde

The Renewable Energy Roadmap in Cabo Verde
Dr. Antonio Baptista, Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy of Cape Verde

The Renewable Energy Regulatory Environment
Rito Evora, ARE Economic Regulatory Agency

Status and Challenges of Renewable Energy Deployment in Cape Verde
João Fonseca, Administrator, Electra

Session 2: Renewable Energy Projects in Cabo Verde

Cabeolica: The First Large Scale Wind Energy PPP in Sub-Saharan Africa
Antão Fortes, Cabeólica

Wind Farm in Santo Antão: The First IPP in Cabo Verde
Daniel Graça, Electric

Projecto De Aquacultura: Ilha do Maio
Miguel Monteiro, Aquamaio

Renewable Energy on Islands: Supporting IRENA’s Global Renewable Energy Island Network (GREIN)
Uwe Mades, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Session 3: Renewable Energy Funds’ Requirements

Renewable Energy Technology Financing
Simplice Assih, Ecobank

GEEREF: An Instrument to support small Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Gunter Fischer, European Investment Bank

Local Banks Requirements for RE Project Finance
Katia Antunes, Caixa Económica de Cabo Verde

Incentivizing Small and Medium Renewable Energy Systems in Cabo Verde: EREF Fund
Jansénio Delgado, ECREEE

Other Renewable Energies’ Partners: Climate Change Mitigation at UNDP
Iria Touzón Calle, UNDP

Other renewable energy funds available for projects in small island developing states and West Africa include:

Session 4: Training in Project Development with the IRENA Project Navigator

Introduction to the IRENA Project Navigator
Roland Roesch, IRENA

Training on the IRENA Project Navigator
Roland Roesch, IRENA