Technical Training Workshop: Geothermal Regulation, Environmental Licensing and Reservoir Modelling

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), together with the Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA) and the Geothermal Institute (University of Auckland, New Zealand), organised a technical training workshop on regulation, environmental considerations, and reservoir modelling for geothermal energy, with a focus on the Andean region.

The training, conducted on 26-30 May in the Chilean capital, Santiago de Chile, came as part of IRENA’s Geothermal Initiative in Andes, launched with the Latin America Energy Organization (OLADE) and the International Geothermal Association (IGA) in 2013 to support Andean countries in developing their vast, untapped geothermal energy potential. The initiative has received technical support from France, Iceland, Mexico and New Zealand, with financial support provided by Iceland.

The workshop was aimed at staff from regulators and (public) technical support agencies that are developing geothermal projects in Andean countries. It provided a general introduction to geothermal science, engineering, project cycles, investment, and regulation, along with specific components focused on environmental impact, monitoring and management, geothermal reservoir modelling, and software.

National delegates gave short presentations on the status of geothermal development in each Andean country and discussed country-specific challenges and capacity building with CEGA and Geothermal Initiative representatives.

The main points of discussion from the workshop are presented in a summary paper.


List of participants 


Introduction to geothermal-science and engineering
John O’Sullivan, Geothermal Institute

Introduction to geothermal environmental considerations
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Overview of regulatory aspects
Bart van Campen, Geothermal Institute

Geothermal resource assessment: techniques, reporting, monitoring
Bart van Campen, Geothermal Institute

Introduction reservoir modelling
John O’Sullivan, Geothermal Institute

Geothermal Science, Environment & Monitoring

Geothermal systems revisited and conceptual models
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Geothermal as multidisciplinary projects and science
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Sustainability from geothermal science point of view
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Tracking heat flow migration
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Geothermal fluids: The good, bad and the ugly
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Case study: Rotorua
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Case study: Tauhara
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Environmental regulation, monitoring and need for on-going research
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

New techniques in geothermal exploration 
Bridget Lynne, Geothermal Institute

Country Presentations

Diego Morata, Universidad de Chile

Veracruz Castro, ISAGEN

Andrés Lloret, INER

Maria Parreno, CELEC

Byron Betancourt and Alonso Moreno, CONELEC

Geovanni Carranza, MEM

Alcides Claros, MINEM

Juan Manuel Gonzales, Vice Minister of Electricity and Alternative Energy

Geothermal energy regulators and technicians from around the Andean region gathered in Santiago for technical training organised by IRENA, the Andes Geothermal Centre of Excellence and New Zealand’s Geothermal Institute.