The Transformative Power of Storage: Developing IRENA’s Electricity Storage Roadmap

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held its first international energy storage policy and regulation workshop as part of the elaboration of REmap 2030, the global renewable energy roadmap. The workshop, entitled “The Transformative Power of Storage: Developing IRENA’s Electricity Storage Roadmap”, took place alongside the Energy Storage 2014, the third annual International Conference and Exhibition for the Storage of Renewable Energies, on 25-27 March in Dusseldorf, Germany.

The aim of this workshop was to identify the key technologies and applications for energy storage to support the accelerated deployment of renewable energy, as well as to consider which applications, best practices and lessons should be highlighted in IRENA’s global technology roadmap for electricity storage, which feeds into REmap 2030.

About 45 participants attended, including representatives from 14 IRENA member governments, industry representatives for energy storage associations in Canada, China, Germany, India and the United States, and representatives from research institutes, academia, and companies.

Click here to view workshop proceedings.

Presentations from the workshop are available below:

REmap 2030 and the role of Storage
Dolf Gielen, IRENA

Electricity storage: requirements, experimental results and tools
Franck Al Shakarchi, Laboratory for Smart Electrical Systems, Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France

European Energy Storage Technology Development, Roadmap towards 2030
Allan Schroeder Pedersen, DTU Energy Conversion, Denmark

Cost-Benefit of Electricity Storage
Luigi Mazzocchi, RSE SpA, Italy  
Valuing Electricity Storage in Markets
Andreas Zucker, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport

Policies and Regulations for Electricity Storage in Japan
Tetsuji Tomita, New and Renewable Energy and International Cooperation Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan