Africa Clean Energy Corridor Expert Workshop: Including Renewable Power in Generation Expansion Plan
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised an expert workshop on “Including Renewable Energy in Generation Expansion Plans” on 27 September in Cape Town, South Africa. This was part of IRENA’s Africa Clean Energy Corridor initiative, which aims to boost the share of renewable power through a coordinated international effort from Cape Town to Cairo. Participants from nine countries along the Corridor discussed how effective, integrated resource planning processes can encourage investment in renewable power options for Africa.
Building an Enabling Environment for Renewable Power in Africa
Jeff Skeer, Senior Programme Officer - Technology Cooperation, IRENA
Generation Expansion Planning and Renewable Energy Integration initiatives in Namibia
Maxwell Muyambo, Manager: Technical Regulation, Electricity Control Board (ECB), Namibia
Integrated Resource Plan for Electricity
Ntokozo Sigwebela Energy Planning, Eskom, South Africa