On 17 June, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised a session on its global renewable energy roadmap – REMAP 2030 – during the 63rd semi-annual Energy Technology Systems Analysis meeting of the International Energy Agency (IEA-ETSAP). The aim of the session was to introduce the REMAP 2030 project to IEA-ETSAP, collect and compare the modelling results from REMAP 2030 with the global, regional and national modelling results from ETSAP modellers, and explore opportunities for further collaboration.

The session was opened by Dolf Gielen, Director of IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre. Following his presentation, 10 ETSAP modellers presented the results of four global models, one regional model and seven national models. Many of the modellers presented their results so that they were comparable to the national cost-supply curves created through REMAP 2030. At the end of the session, there was an open discussion between IRENA, IEA-ETSAP representatives, and the 50 modellers on how the modelling results can complement REMAP 2030 analysis to account for grid integration costs, longer-term systems planning issues, competition for scarce resources and capital stock turnover.

A summary report of the session can be found here.


The Outlook for Renewables: REMAP 2030
Dolf Gielen, IRENA

Global renewable energy cost supply curves

Concentrated Solar Power
Helena Cuesta Cabal, CIEMAT

Renewables and future power systems: CMA’s topics of interest for the ETSAP-IRENA session
Edi Assoumou, CMA – Mines ParisTech

Renewable Energy Deployment for Reaching a 2˚C Climate Target
Tom Kober, ECN

TIAM-WORLD TIMES Integrated Assessment Model of the World & FACETS Framework for Analysis of Climate-Energy-Technology Systems
Maryse Labriet, Eneris Consultants

Regional/national renewable energy cost supply curves

Cost-Supply Curves of renewable electricity in Germany - First Results
Michael Wiesmeth, IER, University of Stuttgart

IMRT India multi-region TIMES model (power sector)
Maryse Labriet, Eneris Consultants

Cost Supply Curve for Italy
Maria Gaeta, ENEA

Building a renewable energy supply curve with the Irish TIMES model
Brian Ó Gallachóir, Energy Policy & Modelling Group, University College Cork

Systems analysis of the electricity supply options for Japan
Hiroshi Hamasaki, Economic Research Centre, Fujitsu Research Institute & Centre for International Public Policy Studies

Renewable Power Cost Supply Curves (AIC) TIMES_PT: Portugal
Júlia Seixas, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

REMAP 2030 First insights with JRC-EU-TIMES model
Sophia Simoes, Institute for Energy and Transport (IET), Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Other presentations at the 63rd semi-annual ETSAP meeting can be found here.