Workshop on Renewable Energy Policies
On 12 January 2013, IRENA held its second “Policy Day” in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). The workshop on selected renewable energy policies was the opening side-event of the third session of the IRENA Assembly (13-14 January).
A great deal of experience and expertise has accumulated globally on how to design effective policies to promote the diffusion of renewable energy. One of IRENA’s fundamental roles is to function as a network hub of country, regional and global programmes. IRENA’s Policy Days play an important role in creating a forum for renewable energy policy dialogue where countries can share experiences and disseminate best practices to create stable investment climates and enable broad economic value creation. Policy Days are also essential in that they generate feedback and provide guidance on IRENA’s work in the policy realm.
This workshop focused on tariff schemes, including feed-in tariffs (FiTs), feed-in premiums (FiPs), and auctions, with presenters from Germany, Cyprus, Malaysia and South Africa sharing country experiences with the various schemes. The workshop also presented ways in which these schemes can be effectively adapted in developing countries. Another session highlighted support policies for wind energy, based on research by IRENA, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and UNDP. Finally, participants also discussed ways in which IRENA could assist its member countries through the Renewable Energy Policy Advisory Network (REPAN).
The takeaway message with regards to effective and efficient policy designs was that they need to be adapted to dynamic market conditions and to the maturity of renewable energy technologies. As renewable energy technologies evolve in the course of their deployment cycle, they require a specific mix of targeted incentives at each stage. For example, dynamic global trends, such as changes in the costs of renewable energy technologies, energy pricing, etc., can significantly alter the profitability of renewable energy, thereby requiring re-evaluation of policy measures. Policy makers will need to address such issues and solve them by adapting the policy instruments or by using alternatives.
IRENA is currently finalizing a report assessing renewable energy tariff-based support mechanisms. This report will explore the role of tariff schemes, including FiTs, FiPs and auctions, in increasing renewable energy power generation. Specifically, this report will include recent trends in tariff-based support mechanisms; analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of FiTs, FiPs and auction schemes; and 6 case studies of countries that have implemented public bidding/auction schemes.
Recommendations for Policy Makers on Designing Auctions
Rabia Ferroukhi
The International Feed-In Cooperation (IFIC) and Lessons Learnt from
Support Scheme Discussions in the EU
Corinna Klessmann
Country Case Study: Germany
André Poschmann
Country Case Study: Cyprus
George Partasides
Country Case Study: Malaysia
Badriyah Hj Abdul Malek
Country Case Study: South Africa
Yousuf Haffejee
Building a Global Renewable Energy Experts Network
Jeffrey Skeer, Victoria Healey and Veronica Westacott
30 Years of Policies for Wind Energy - Lessons from 12 Wind Energy Markets
Nicolas Fichaux and Steve Sawyer
Transforming Renewable Energy Markets
Yannick Glemarec
Renewable Energy Tariff-Based Mechanisms
Rabia Ferroukhi
UNEP Feed-in Tariffs Report - Policy Toolkit and Law Drafter's Guide
Christine Lins