Workshop - Gaps and needs in standardisation for renewable energy
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), held a workshop in Bonn, Germany on 24 October 2012, “Needs and Gaps on Standardisation for Renewable Energy: Actions to Facilitate the Best use of Standardisation for Renewables”. More than 30 participants, including representatives from international standardisation bodies, industry, energy associations, metrology and testing institutes, banks and research organisations gathered to discuss the concrete actions required to address the highest priority needs and gaps concerning standardisation for renewable energy technologies.
The workshop, highlighted the importance of standardisation throughout the lifecycle of renewable energy technologies, from research and development to commercialisation and diffusion. It also provided the opportunity for stakeholders, with IRENA’s facilitation, to form a network for continued discussion of the subject.
Participants – starting out with IRENA’s analysis on needs and gaps, along with responses to a related IRENA questionnaire – recommended a set of action points to address priority needs, particularly concerning:
use of standards in policy frameworks;
engagement of developing countries in the standardisation process;
accessibility and dissemination of information, particularly with regard to developing countries;
testing and certification of equipment;
harmonisation of standards at the global level.
The workshop will serve to define IRENA’s work programme in the field of standardisation for renewable energy technologies, as well as to provide relevant advice to other involved organisations and member countries on actions to promote the best use of standardisation to spur innovation and accelerate the sustainable deployment of renewables globally.
Introduction to workshop
Francisco Boshell, IRENA
Summary of the Report on International Standardisation in the Field of Renewable Energy
Gideon Richards, Consulting With Purpose
Trading of renewable energy technologies
Joachim Monkelbaan, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
Harmonisation of Standards for Renewable Energy Systems
Geoff Stapleton, Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty (GSES)
Testing and certification for small wind turbines
Luis Maria Arribas, Energy Research Centre of Spain (CIEMAT)
How ISO Standards Support Renewable Energy
Kevin A. McKinley, International Organization for Standardisation (ISO)
Helping project developers and policy makers - Standards and development
Gabriel Barta, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Incorporation of international standards into national regulatory frameworks
Li Yan, China National Institute of Standardisation (CNIS)
Standards and Certification in Renewable Energy
Müge Dolun and Mark Draeck, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)