Latin America Renewable Energy Market Analysis – Technical Workshop

Renewable energy experts from Latin America gathered in Santiago, Chile in early October 2015 to discuss the preliminary findings of IRENA’s Latin America Renewable Energy Market Analysis. During the two-day technical workshop, organized by IRENA in collaboration with the UN Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), experts expressed strong support for the analysis which covers both the power and heat sectors. The draft report was commended for the topical issues it addresses, including the importance of renewable energy for heat as well as the complementarity between hydropower and other variable renewable energy sources. At the regional and sub-regional levels, experts showed interest in issues related to economies of scale in renewable energy manufacturing and the development of domestic/regional value chains to support local employment. Discussions highlighted the importance of data quality, exchange of experience, and analysis of enabling policies to better inform decision-making in the field of renewables.

For more information, please contact Ghislaine Kieffer.