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    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2013-2022 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
    • Off-Grid Sector Emerges to Plug Energy Access Gaps

      IRENA’s new report Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2022 shows that off-grid renewables continue to grow despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

      News Articles Statistics Off-grid for energy access
    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2022

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2012-2021 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
    • Events

      Twelfth Session of the IRENA Assembly

      The 12th session of the IRENA Assembly took place in a virtual setting from 15 to 16 January 2022 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, with related stakeholder and ministerial meetings held on 13 and 14 January 2022.

    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2021

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2010-2019 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access Bioenergy & biofuels Technology Hydropower Technology Solar energy Technology
    • Events

      Renewables Readiness Assessment Jordan

      The virtual event featured the official launch of the Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Jordan. The event served as a platform to highlight a number of important topics relevant to renewable energy development in Jordan amongst government officials, partners and other stakeholders to promote the implementation of the recommendations made in the RRA report.

    • Events

      Eleventh Session of the IRENA Assembly

      The eleventh session of the Assembly took place on 18 and 21 January 2021 in a virtual setting. The Assembly is the Agency’s supreme decision-making body.

    • Off-grid renewable energy statistics 2020

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2009-2018 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access Energy transition in end uses Policy Bioenergy & biofuels Technology
    • Off-grid renewable energy systems: Status and methodological issues

      With more than a billion people lacking access to electricity, local power-generation solutions are essential to provide sustainable energy to all - particularly those consumers expected to remain isolated from national or regional grids for the foreseeable future. Renewable power generation provides low-cost solutions to bring reliable electricity to rural households or island communities off the main grid. But while off-grid renewable energy systems are expanding rapidly on the ground, data that systematically tracks this progress remains limited.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
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