Scaling Up Renewables in LLDCs
The event served as a launch of the joint IRENA/UN-OHRLLS report “Scaling Up Renewables in LLDCs”.
The event served as a launch of the joint IRENA/UN-OHRLLS report “Scaling Up Renewables in LLDCs”.
This event showcased best practices on how NDCs have been enhanced in the energy sector, and highlighted the support and finance needed to now move these targets into action.
Although vulnerable to the severest impacts of a warming planet, SIDS have historically contributed the least to global carbon emissions.
World Energy Transitions Outlook outlines priority actions till 2030 to keep 1.5°C alive; calls on governments to fast-track energy transition for more energy security, resilience, and affordable energy for all.
Outdated perceptions of the costs of clean energy remain a major barrier to the energy transition. Despite the dramatic fall in prices across these technologies, the dialogue surrounding “cheap” fossil fuels and “expensive” renewable energy endures, and must be changed.
Commercial Treatment of Firm Capacity and its use for Contracting Renewable Generation Projects via PPAs in Central America-Stakeholder Consultation Workshop.
The 12th session of the IRENA Assembly took place in a virtual setting from 15 to 16 January 2022 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, with related stakeholder and ministerial meetings held on 13 and 14 January 2022.
The workshop brought together large number of relevant stakeholders to discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables and energy transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This joined IRENA-FAO report analyses the role of renewables in agri-food systems and opportunity they offer to advance energy and food security and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement.
IRENA, in collaboration with its partners, has organized a two day capacity building workshop to share IRENA’s framework and insights regarding renewable energy auctions, and considerations, best practices, lessons learnt and specific case studies, with a focus on the Arab context.
The event discussed how NDCs are driving energy transformation and inclusive development as well as showcase the existing renewable energy technology and innovation options that African governments have to help implement mitigation and adaptation measures.
The meeting aimed to facilitate discussions among High-Level officials and decisionmakers on key hydropower-related issues and experiences, and to identify potential pathways and concrete actions needed in charting a bright future for hydropower.
The Workshop brought together energy stakeholders to discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables in Malaysia.
This Renewables Readiness Assessment from IRENA highlights the challenges and provides 11 recommendations to harness the potential of renewable energy sources in Belarus.
IRENA in collaboration with UK COP26 Presidency, has organized a series of Regional Expert Meetings on Climate Change, Enhanced NDCs’ and Renewable Energy Deployment.
This report outlines a pathway for the world to achieve the Paris Agreement goals and halt the pace of climate change by transforming the global energy landscape.
The event helped uncover the inner workings of the CIP and generate dialogues of the potential and current impacts of the Platform.
The event presented the status and outlook of offshore renewable energy technologies and markets, the latest trends and developments from the incumbent industry and private sector.
This webinar presented main findings of the new report, with a view toward the motivations and objectives that compel cities to act; the variety of drivers that either enable or constrain cities’ actions and thus influence what they can do; and the policy tools they can apply. Shaped by these factors, cities can play a multitude of roles.
This virtual event aimed to encourage all governments of the region towards more ambitious climate action driven by energy transition.